State budget for 2025: increased expenditures by UAH 50 billion, of which a significant part will be spent on education

заступниця голови Комітету ВР з питань бюджету Леся Забуранна

Deputy Chair of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Budget Lesia Zaburanna. Photo: from open sources

Ukraine’s state budget expenditures for 2025 have been increased by UAH 50 billion, of which almost half is planned to be spent on increasing teacher bonuses and implementing investment projects in the field of education. This was announced by MP and Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Budget Lesia Zaburanna, the press service of the Verkhovna Rada’s Secretariat reports.

According to the information, one of the key changes to the draft budget was the decision to transfer funds from the Road Fund, which is about UAH 43.2 billion, to the general fund of the state budget. According to Zaburanna, this decision will allow for more efficient allocation of budget resources.

Road maintenance for defence and the economy

About UAH 12.5 billion will be allocated for road maintenance, which is important for the country’s defence capability and the functioning of the economy.

Changes in payments to prosecutors

Another change proposed by the MPs concerns the reduction of the subsistence minimum for prosecutors, which will automatically lower their salaries.

Reverse subsidies and support for the regions

In addition, according to the proposals, about UAH 12 billion of reverse subsidies will remain at the regional level, and local authorities will be able to avoid withdrawing 4% of additional PIT revenues by compensating for tariff differences.

Zaburanna also stressed that all social benefits provided for by the current legislation will be paid in 2025 at the level set this year.