Thanks to household solar power plants, electricity consumption in Ukraine decreased by 3.4%

Електроенергосистема України в біді

Ukraine’s electricity system Photo: Shutterstock

Due to an increase in generation from household solar power plants, as of 9:30 a.m. on 29 October, electricity consumption decreased by 3.4% compared to the previous day, NPC Ukrenergo reports on its Facebook page.

“Less cloudy weather in most regions contributed to an increase in the efficiency of solar power plants,” Ukrenergo explained. At the same time, there is still a power shortage in the evening. Consumers are advised to use powerful electrical appliances from 9:00 to 15:00, when solar stations operate most efficiently.

In addition, electricity imports from Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova are planned for 29 October in the total amount of 4,174 MWh.

Earlier, representatives of NPC Ukrenergo together with a delegation from the United States, led by Jacob Levin, Senior Director for Climate and Energy at the National Security Council, discussed measures to restore Ukraine’s power system and protect key equipment.