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Governor of Kursk Oblast Claims Ukraine Controls 28 Settlements: Escalating Situation and Putin’s Reaction

Photo: Illustrative photo

Escalation in Kursk Oblast

For the past seven days, Kursk Oblast in Russia has been at the center of intense fighting following a supposed “breakthrough” at the border. On Monday, August 12, the governor of Kursk Oblast reported that Ukraine allegedly controls 28 settlements in the region. This information was presented at a meeting between the governor and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Frontline Situation and Casualties

According to 24 Kanal, the governor of Kursk Oblast indicated that the situation in the region remains difficult. His estimates suggest that over 100 people have been injured as a result of the fighting. The governor’s report also mentions that the Ukrainian forces have supposedly advanced 12 kilometers into the territory and expanded the front by 40 kilometers.

Casualties and Humanitarian Impact

In the area where approximately 2,000 people might have lived, Russian authorities report uncertainty about the fate of local residents. It is noted that 12 people have died as a result of the fighting, and 121 people, including 10 children, have been injured. There is also a noted increase in drone and rocket attacks.

Putin’s Reaction

During the meeting, the governor also reported on a recent attack where a Ukrainian drone allegedly hit a residential high-rise. Smirnov claims that 13 people were injured as a result.

“Evacuation of people from areas experiencing combat was organized in two phases. As of today, the Sudzhansky and Korenevsky districts are fully evacuated—180,000 people have left. A large number of volunteers and psychologists have been involved in support at temporary accommodation centers with 53,000 places. All affected individuals are provided with free legal assistance and housing is being arranged. Out of 35,000 citizen requests, up to 1,000 are processed per hour. Humanitarian aid is also being supplied around the clock, with 28,000 weekly rations provided, with no issues reported,” reported the Putin ally.

While listening to his report, Putin nervously fidgeted with a pen and interrupted the governor when he began discussing how far Ukraine had advanced in the region.

It appears that the president of the aggressor nation was uncomfortable hearing about the loss of Russian settlements, and he immediately demanded a report on the “socio-economic situation” in the region.