Happy Purim from Time Ukraine Israel!

Dear readers of Time Ukraine Israel, we wish you a happy Purim holiday – a time of fun, unity and the victory of light over darkness!

Purim is not just a celebration of costumes, hammam taschens and reading the Scroll of Esther. It is a reminder of the power of the spirit, belief in miracles and the ability of the people to withstand challenges. The story of Queen Esther and Mordecai teaches us that even in the most difficult times, truth and justice prevail.

Today, when the world is full of difficult events, Purim inspires us to remain optimistic, support each other and enjoy life. May your homes be filled with laughter, your tables be overflowing with goodies, and your hearts be filled with warmth and hope.

Traditions that unite

On these days, we share gifts (mishloach manot), help those in need (matanat le’eyonim), enjoy a festive meal, and remember the story of a miraculous rescue. May these traditions strengthen our ties – in Ukraine, in Israel, and around the world.

On behalf of the entire Time Ukraine Israel team, we wish you a happy Purim – Hag Purim Sameach! May this holiday bring you peace, joy and many happy moments.

Stay tuned – we will continue to inform you about the most important news and share interesting stories!

Best wishes,

Time Ukraine Israel