How Iran can respond to Donald Trump’s ultimatum: an expert’s opinion

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Relations between the US and Iran are becoming increasingly tense. Harsh statements, diplomatic manoeuvres and new economic sanctions – this is how the confrontation between Donald Trump’s administration and the Iranian leadership led by Ali Khamenei looks like.

According to Ma’ariv newspaper, Tehran perceives the situation differently from Washington. According to Beni Sevati, a senior researcher at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), Iran’s reaction to Trump’s ultimatum may be much tougher than the West expects.

Trump’s mistake?

According to the expert, the latest steps of the US administration could only strengthen Tehran’s confidence in its own strength.

“Trump made a big mistake, in my opinion. He has conceded a little bit to Iran – perhaps only for a short time – but the Iranians are taking this as a signal that they are now in control and holding the initiative,” said Sevati.

In his opinion, Khamenei is aware that the US is very interested in a diplomatic solution to the conflict, and he uses this to strengthen his own position.

Iranian strategy

Sevati points out that Iran has long been following a clear tactic:

– If the West makes concessions, Tehran tightens its demands

– If negotiations become tougher, Iran shows willingness to compromise

That is why, according to him, Trump’s softer approach has only strengthened Khamenei’s position. However, the expert believes that Iran still leaves a small window open for future negotiations.

What’s next?

Analysts warn that Iran’s next actions could be more aggressive, ranging from new attacks through proxy groups in the Middle East to the resumption of its nuclear programme. At the same time, the issue of direct talks between Washington and Tehran remains open, although the prospects for a deal look increasingly dim.