Vladimir Putin. Photo: Gavriil Grigorov / AP
The US Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has stated that only the United States can provide Ukraine with weapons and military equipment on the scale needed to effectively deter Russia. The report notes that the Kremlin’s strategy is based on the expectation that Western support for Kyiv will be exhausted, so continuous aid supplies could force Vladimir Putin to make concessions.
Western support as the key to Russia’s defeat
ISW analysts point out that the US and Europe’s refusal to provide Ukraine with weapons on a regular basis will only encourage Putin to continue his aggression. At the same time, regular supplies of critical weapons can create the conditions for resolving the conflict on terms acceptable to Ukraine and its allies.
Europe’s role in financing military aid
Although only the United States is able to provide Ukraine with the necessary equipment on an appropriate scale, Western officials have suggested that European countries should increase their contribution to US military aid. This could increase the stability of supplies and reduce the financial burden on Washington.