Raiding in Ukraine: fewer criminal cases, but more complaints from businesses

Photo: Depositphotos

In 2024, 323 criminal proceedings on raiding were registered in Ukraine, which is 11% less than in 2023. At the same time, the share of cases that go to trial remains low, at only 28% of the total.

This is reported by Opendatabot with reference to the data of the Office of the Prosecutor General.

Raider attacks have become less frequent, but businesses are turning to us more often

Over the past year, the number of raider cases has fallen by 1.8 times compared to 2021. However, despite the overall decrease in proceedings, businesses are increasingly seeking help.

42% of complaints were filed by companies, which indicates an increase in threats to businesses.

17% of complaints were received from local governments (cities, communities, district councils). For comparison, in 2020-2023, this figure averaged 7%.

In total , 10,710 cases of raiding have been recorded in Ukraine over the past five years, and 1, 722 complaints were filed in 2024.

What is the most common reason for raiding?

According to Opendatabot, 74% of criminal cases of raiding are related to forgery.

Another 17% of cases involve obstruction of legitimate business activities, and the rest involve direct seizure of property.

The situation with real estate raiding remains particularly critical, accounting for 86% of all cases. The remaining 14% of attacks are aimed at illegally taking over businesses.

Why is this important?

Despite the decrease in the overall number of raider cases, the systemic problem has not disappeared. The increase in complaints from businesses indicates that the risks for companies remain high, and the effectiveness of the fight against raiders needs to be improved.

The proportion of cases that go to trial, although slightly up since the start of the full-scale invasion, remains lower than in 2021 (40%).

If the situation does not change, it may hinder investment and economic development, especially in times of war when businesses are already operating in extremely difficult conditions.