“A New Kristallnacht”: Jewish and Israeli leaders horrified by Amsterdam pogrom

Прихильники тель-авівського «Маккабі» тримають прапори на площі Дам перед початком футбольного матчу Ліги Європи між «Аяксом» та «Маккабі» в Амстердамі 7 листопада 2024 року.

Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters hold flags in Dam Square before the Europa League football match between Ajax and Maccabi in Amsterdam on 7 November 2024. Photo: Jeroen Jumelet/AFP via Getty Images

United Hatzalah President Eli Beer said: “This is what happens when terrorists have access to Europe.” Israeli leaders and international Jewish figures reacted with outrage to the wave of anti-Semitism that unfolded in Amsterdam on Thursday evening after the football match between Maccabi Tel Aviv and Ajax, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Several people were injured during the pogrom against Israeli fans, and three people are reported missing. According to Dutch officials, the situation is now under control.

The Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) has called the attacks on Israeli fans “a new Kristallnacht”, pointing to a disturbing parallel with the tragic events in Nazi Germany, when in 1938 mass attacks on the Jewish population took place across the country.