Bribery attempt in the Ministry of Reconstruction: Fugitive MP sentenced to 8 years in prison

Photo: press service of SAP.

On 14 November 2024, the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine (HACC) ruled that a Member of Parliament of the IX convocation, who was caught trying to bribe the leadership of the State Agency for the Restoration and Development of Infrastructure, was sentenced to eight years in prison. This is reported by TimeUkraineIsrael portal with reference to the press service of the Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAP).

Prosecution and court sentence

The court found the deputy guilty of violating Part 4 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for liability for providing an unlawful benefit to an official. Based on the evidence collected by NABU detectives and SAPO prosecutors, the defendant was sentenced to 8 years in prison with confiscation of property and disqualification from holding public office for the next three years. The HACC decision can be appealed within 30 days.

The road to a court verdict

On 18 September 2024, the suspected MP did not appear at the court hearing, and his lawyers were unable to explain the whereabouts of their client, stating that they had no contact with him. The next day, the HACC, at the request of the SAPO prosecutor, put the MP on the national and international wanted list. The court ruling allowed a special trial in absentia – in the absence of the accused, but with the possibility to participate via video conference.

Thus, the MP had a chance to defend his position, testify remotely, participate in the debate and even make the last word. The HACC persistently ensured a fair process, but the defendant chose to ignore it, which ultimately led to a harsh sentence.