Dobrobat volunteers.Photo: “Dobrobat
Volunteers of the Dobrobat organisation have completed the restoration of a house in the village of Gorenka, where two families with children and an elderly woman live. The completion of the work was reported by the TimeUkraineIsrael portal, citing information from Kyivschina24.

As a result of shelling in the spring of 2022, the roof of the house was completely destroyed by fire. Since then, volunteers from the Kyiv branch of Dobrobat have undertaken a large-scale reconstruction: instead of the damaged parts of the building, they built a full-fledged second floor and installed a new wooden-frame roof in accordance with modern building codes.
Difficult and time-consuming work
The restoration took more than four months, during which 42 site visits were made. During this period, the team of volunteers received assistance from the Estonian charity MONDO, which provided them with all the necessary construction materials. Volunteers were also provided with meals by representatives of the Eurasia restaurant chain, which specialises in Japanese and European cuisine.

The completion of this important project is another step towards restoring peaceful life in Ukrainian villages affected by the war.