All are valid: the order for doctors of the MMC regarding “white tickets” — People’s Deputy

Military Medical Commission (MMC). Photo: city-izyum.

Medical commissions recognise as fit for military service people who received a ‘white ticket’ eight years ago, as well as people with serious health problems, such as deafness or injuries, including a bullet in the head. Military commanders who receive such fighters try to keep them safe, as they are not sure that they will survive the full cycle of hostilities. This was reported by TimeUkraineIsrael with reference to Focus.

Guidelines for healthcare professionals: all are eligible

MP Anna Skorokhod shared information about the orders received by doctors of military medical commissions (MMC). She stated that the heads of medical departments and ordinary doctors working in the commissions received a clear instruction to recognise all persons liable for military service and military personnel as fit, regardless of their health. According to Skorokhod, this order came directly from the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), and doctors do not pay attention to the results of medical examinations or patient complaints.

Mobilisation: human and medical consequences

According to the MP, the problem with mobilisation and the lack of the required number of combat-ready soldiers leads to this situation. According to her, doctors, including chief physicians, have been ordered to recognise those who apply to the MEC as fit, even if they have serious physical injuries or diseases. This includes even people who had a “white ticket” many years ago. For example, one case: a man who was issued a “white ticket” back in 2017 after a medical examination was suddenly taken to a military unit without undergoing a comprehensive examination.

Commanders are not happy with these decisions

Unit commanders, in turn, express concern about such soldiers who are mobilised because of these decisions of medical commissions. They report that such soldiers are kept closer to the headquarters because there is no certainty that they will be able to reach the front line and return after completing combat missions. In many cases, the state of health of such soldiers does not allow them to actively participate in combat, which can lead to heavy losses among the personnel.

The Ministry of Defence responded

On 14 November, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Dmytro Lazutkin, said that all military medical commissions will be checked for compliance with the standards of medical examinations and mobilisation procedures. He clarified that in case of violation of the examination procedure, the Ministry of Health is responsible, and in case of a false conclusion on the fitness of a serviceman, the Ministry of Defence is responsible.