Jewish settlements in Gaza: poll reveals deep divisions among Israelis

Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Photo: DW.

1. Political differences over settlements in Gaza

A recent poll conducted by the Viterbi Centre for Public Opinion and Policy Research at the Israel Institute for Democracy revealed significant divisions in Israeli attitudes towards the future of Jewish settlements in Gaza. According to the results, more than half of the respondents (52%) oppose the establishment of such settlements, while almost half (49%) support military control over the Strip. This was reported by the Time Ukraine Israel portal, citing Cursorinfo.

2. Opinions of representatives of different political camps

The survey revealed significant differences between representatives of different political orientations. Among the left and centre-left, the majority of respondents oppose settlements and military rule in Gaza, while the situation is the opposite in the camp of right-wing political forces – the majority supports such steps.

3. Security of Jews and Arabs: subjective perception

In addition to the issue of settlements, survey participants were asked where they consider the safest place to live. The overwhelming majority of Jews (over 80%) answered that Israel is the safest place for them to live. In contrast, a significant proportion of Arabs (about 60%) expressed the opposite opinion, believing that it is safer to live outside Israel.

4. 4. Summarise.

The poll highlights the deep political and social divisions among Israelis. The issue of Jewish settlements in Gaza remains extremely controversial, affecting both Israel’s domestic political stability and relations with the Palestinians. Future decisions on this topic may determine the country’s strategic course for years to come.