SBU detains Russian agent planning terrorist attack in Khmelnytskyi

Служба безпеки України (СБУ)

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). Photo:

The Security Service of Ukraine successfully prevented a subversive act, which was being prepared by Russian special services on the territory of Ukraine. The operation resulted in the detention of a 32-year-old Russian agent who was planning to plant explosives near the Defence Forces.

According to the investigation, the attacker received instructions from a Russian supervisor at the beginning of the year. The main targets of the attack were to be command posts and permanent deployment sites of the Armed Forces and the National Guard.

To prepare the attack, the agent reconnoitered the area, identifying geolocations with the highest concentration of Ukrainian military. After that, he passed the coordinates to the occupiers for approval and waited for further instructions on how to manufacture a remote-controlled explosive device.

The SBU acted proactively and detained the offender near a military facility while gathering intelligence. A mobile phone with encrypted chat was found on his person, through which he received instructions from Russian special services.

As it turned out, the agent was a drug addicted resident of Khmelnytskyi, whom the occupiers recruited through Telegram channels for “quick money”.

The offender is currently in custody. He has been served a notice of suspicion and could face life imprisonment with confiscation of property.