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Vladislav Viktorson and Anna Bernstein from Ramat Gan: accused of collaborating with Iranian intelligence

Photo: depositphotos.

According to israelinfo, Israeli law enforcement officers detained 30-year-old Vladislav Viktorson from Ramat Gan and his 18-year-old girlfriend, Anna Bernstein, on suspicion of collaborating with Iranian intelligence services. This caused a wide resonance in Israeli society and called into question the country’s security.

Recruitment method and tasks

It is known that Vladislav was recruited through a social network, where he was contacted by an Iranian intelligence agent named Mari Hossi. The agents, who had no doubt about their identity, offered the young Israeli a monetary reward in exchange for performing dangerous tasks. These included not only incendiary graffiti, but also car arsons and even the planning of an assassination attempt on high-ranking officials.

Performing tasks

Vladislav received about $5,000 in cryptocurrency for the tasks he completed. The special instructions included not only physical acts of vandalism, but also instructions on how to collect information about the protesters. It is noted that Vladislav received $20 for each graffiti, and $1,250 for setting fire to a car.

Betting on serious crimes

As it became known, Viktorson was trying to carry out a more serious task – the assassination of a public figure, and also planned a bombing in a house. For this purpose, he tried to purchase a weapon with an optical sight and grenades.

Involvement of accomplices

Vladislav did not limit his actions to his own, he tried to involve others in his criminal intentions. His girlfriend Anna became an accomplice in this case. Vladyslav also tried to recruit homeless people, offering them money for performing various tasks.


Today, the indictment against the couple was filed in the Tel Aviv District Court. Vladislav Viktorson is accused of collaborating with an enemy agent, as well as conspiracy to commit terrorist murder. The situation has caused concern not only among law enforcement agencies, but also in society, highlighting the urgency of the national security issue.