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Total losses of Ukraine and Russia in the war exceeded 1 million people: devastating demographic consequences for both countries

Марсове поле у Львові, де ховають загиблих захисникыв України

Mars Field in Lviv, where the fallen defenders of Ukraine are buried Photo: FB by Yurko Dyachynysh

The war between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in enormous human losses, which have already had serious demographic consequences for both countries. According to The Wall Street Journal, total casualties on both sides have reached around 1 million people, including both dead and wounded. This includes approximately 80,000 Ukrainian military killed and 400,000 wounded. Russia is estimated to have lost around 200,000 killed and up to 400,000 wounded.

The demographic impact of this war is serious, especially as both Russia and Ukraine were already facing problems with ageing populations, low birth rates and migration of young people before the conflict. For Ukraine, the situation may be even more complicated due to its smaller population, which makes these losses more significant at the level of the economy and social structure.

The war is already putting enormous pressure on both countries in socio-economic terms, and the long-term consequences could be even more devastating. Restoring the demographic balance, addressing labour force issues, and economic recovery could be challenging for both countries even after the conflict ends.