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The armed forces restored positions on the Seversky Ddrection and made advances in the Zaporizhzhia region

Українські військові, Фото: Геня САВІЛОВ

Ukrainian military, Photo: Hennadiy Savilom

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue successful operations on various front lines, restoring control over strategically important territories. According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the Ukrainian military has made significant progress both in the Siversk direction and in the western part of the Zaporizhzhia region.

Northern Direction
Ukrainian forces have regained their positions southeast of Siversk. New geolocation footage, published on August 9, confirms the advance of Ukrainian troops to the west of the settlement of Spirne. The fighting in this area continues, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are gradually strengthening their positions, repelling attacks by the Russian military.

Zaporizka Oblast
In the western part of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukrainian troops are also demonstrating positive dynamics. On August 11, geolocation footage appeared, indicating that the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced to the northwest of Verbovoy. Fighting continues in the Novoandriivka area, where Ukrainian forces are actively repelling Russian attacks.

Kharkiv Region
In the Kharkiv region, the Russian occupiers continue to attempt offensive actions to the north and northeast of Kharkiv, in particular in the districts of Hlybokoy, Lyptsi and Vovchansk. However, these operations proved unsuccessful, and the front line remains unchanged. Russian forces try to compensate for losses by sending reinforcements, but Ukrainian troops successfully hold their positions.

Donetsk Oblast
Fighting in Donetsk remains intense. Russian troops have made some progress near Chasovoy Yar, but Ukrainian defenders continue to resist. In particular, Russian forces advanced to the south of Klishchiivka, as well as to the east of Pokrovsk. However, these achievements remain limited.

General Situation
Despite the advance of the Russian occupiers on certain areas of the front, Ukrainian troops continue to hold the defense and carry out counterattacks. The Armed Forces of Ukraine demonstrate endurance and skill, regaining control over lost territories and gradually strengthening their positions.

The battle at the front remains complex, and both sides face numerous challenges. However, the progress of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in restoring positions shows that Ukraine continues to maintain the initiative on the battlefield.