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Chinese intelligence on the global stage: a 600,000-strong spy network that puts the West in a quandary

Photo: Depositphotos

A new global threat is brewing in the intelligence world – China is actively expanding its espionage activities, employing an unprecedented number of agents and hackers. According to The Wall Street Journal, China’s intelligence gathering operations may include up to 600,000 people, putting the West in an extremely difficult position.

China’s approach to intelligence is striking in its decentralisation. Unlike traditional methods, China’s intelligence network includes a wide range of actors, from government agencies to private companies. This dispersed structure makes countering it extremely difficult for Western intelligence services, which are used to centralised models of espionage.

The FBI has long sounded the alarm about the number and effectiveness of Chinese hackers. The agency’s director, Christopher Wray, stressed that China’s hacking programme surpasses the combined efforts of other countries. This indicates that the cyber threat from Beijing is reaching a new level.

But it’s not just about cyberattacks. China is conducting operations in areas ranging from scientific espionage to theft of industrial secrets. For example, the recent arrest in Germany of a woman suspected of transmitting logistics data at Leipzig Airport only reinforces speculation about the extent of Chinese espionage activities in Europe.

China’s modern methods have already surpassed even the infamous KGB intelligence of the Cold War. Western countries do not have enough resources to effectively counter such a dynamic and autonomous network of spies. This poses complex national security challenges for the US, EU and other states, which require new strategies to combat Chinese influence.

Observing these developments, experts are calling on the West to coordinate more actively and invest in counterintelligence. Whether the world will be able to withstand this threat is a question that has yet to be answered. But one thing is clear: China does not hesitate to use all the resources at its disposal to achieve its strategic goals.