Defence agreement between Russia and North Korea comes into force

Путін та Кім Чен Ин

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The defence agreement between Russia and North Korea, which formalises their alliance amid the war in Ukraine, has officially entered into force. This was reported by the North Korean KCNA news agency on Wednesday, AFP reports.

The agreement came into force after the exchange of ratified documents in Moscow. The agreement was signed in June this year by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the time, Putin called the document “revolutionary”.

Mutual defence and countering sanctions

Under the terms of the agreement, both countries are obliged to provide each other with military assistance “without delay” in the event of an attack on either party. The agreement also provides for a joint fight against Western sanctions.

The treatise was supported by all deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and on the part of North Korea, the document was ratified by Kim Jong-un through a special decree.

International reaction and accusations

The official approval of the agreement has caused concern among the United States and South Korea. Western partners accuse Pyongyang of sending more than 10,000 troops to Ukraine to support Russian forces.

Experts believe that the DPRK seeks to obtain advanced technologies from Moscow, exchanging them for combat experience for its armed forces.

Global ambitions

The KCNA stressed that the treaty will be a “powerful driving force” in creating a multipolar world order based on independence and justice without domination or hegemony.

Russia and North Korea have been strengthening their military ties since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Both countries are under numerous UN sanctions: Russia for its aggression against Ukraine, and North Korea for its nuclear programme.

The growing cooperation between these states signals a change in the balance of power in the region and the world, causing new challenges for global security.