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Diplomatic conflict between Lebanon and Iran: Ghalibaf’s statements spark outrage in Mikati

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Marked by new statements, the situation between Lebanon and Iran is escalating, placing both sides at the centre of a diplomatic conflict. Lebanon’s interim Prime Minister Najib Mikati expressed his deep surprise at the statement by Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Ghalibaf, who claimed that Iran was “ready to negotiate with France” on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701. This was reported by the israelinfo portal. According to Mikati, such a position is a “blatant interference” in Lebanon’s internal affairs and an attempt to establish unacceptable custody of the country.

Explosive statement by the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament

Mikati stressed that the Lebanese leadership had already informed the Iranian Foreign Minister and the Speaker of the Shura Council of its strong opposition to any external interference during a recent meeting. He underlined that the Lebanese government is working with all allies, including France, to put pressure on Israel to achieve a lasting ceasefire.

Calling an Iranian diplomat to the carpet

In response to Ghalibaf’s comments, the Office of the Prime Minister of Lebanon announced its intention to summon Iran’s Chargé d’Affaires to protest against such statements. This demonstrates Lebanon’s seriousness in defending its sovereign rights and determination to avoid any external control.

Israel against the backdrop of diplomatic controversy

At the same time, Israel expressed concern about the situation in the border areas, noting that neither the Lebanese army nor the UN peacekeeping mission (UNIFIL) were able to ensure security and implementation of Resolution 1701. Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan publicly called for a review of UNIFIL’s role, accusing them of inaction and support for Hezbollah.

A call for change

Erdan also noted that the situation requires an urgent solution: “It would make more sense to end this farce, save the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on UNIFIL every year, and find new approaches to regional security.” These comments reflect Israel’s deep concern about the threat posed by Hizbullah, which Erdan said continues to build terrorist bases in southern Lebanon.

Prospects for regional stability

This diplomatic scandal could be a catalyst for further escalation of tensions in the region as Lebanon and Iran continue to jockey for influence. The international community is closely monitoring these developments as they could have a significant impact on stability in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond.