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Gas Explosion Kills at Least 28 in Iran Coal Mine, Dozens Still Missing

Кількість загиблих унаслідок аварії на шахті Табас зросла до 30 осіб / Фото IRNA

A gas explosion in a coal mine in Iran’s South Khorasan Province has left at least 28 people dead and 17 injured, Iranian state television reported on Sunday. The blast occurred due to a buildup of methane gas in two blocks of the mine operated by Madanjoo, reported Reuters.

At the time of the explosion, 69 miners were working underground. “Seventeen injured workers have been transported to the hospital, while 24 others are still missing,” state TV quoted the head of Iran’s Red Crescent.

Rescue operations are ongoing, but challenging conditions and the risk of further explosions are complicating efforts to locate the missing miners.