ISGAP Report: South Africa and its ties to Iran, Qatar and Hamas as a threat to international security

Photo: isgap.

ISGAP Report: South Africa’s deepening ties to terrorist organisations

NEW YORK – 15 November 2024 – The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) has released a landmark report that sheds light on the deepening ties between South Africa’s ruling political party (ANC) and internationally recognised terrorist organisations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Qatar. The report, titled “South Africa, Hamas, Iran and Qatar: The ANC’s Capture of the International Court of Justice,” shows how South Africa is using its historical legacy of struggle for justice to become an important player in the global terrorist financing network, TimeUkraineIsrael reports, citing the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP).

Geopolitical consequences: Support for terrorism at the expense of international law

The ISGAP report highlights South Africa’s involvement in building and maintaining international alliances with countries that actively support terrorism. Iran and Qatar are key partners in this relationship, and their involvement in political and financial schemes with the ANC poses risks to global security. At the same time, South Africa is actively trying to use the International Court of Justice to undermine Israel through lawsuits related to territorial disputes, which contributes to the strengthening of anti-Israeli sentiment in international law.

Hamas and Hezbollah: Supporting terrorist groups through humanitarian organisations

One of the most disturbing aspects of the report is the confirmed evidence of close ties between the ANC and Hamas. Official meetings and agreements between South African leaders and representatives of these terrorist organisations are part of a wider strategy that includes funding through humanitarian organisations used to cover terrorist operations. South Africa has also been suspected of providing technical and financial support to Hezbollah, which has increased tensions in the Middle East.

Financing a lawsuit against Israel: Suspicious foreign influence

The ISGAP report points to strange financial flows that emerged after the filing of a lawsuit against Israel in the International Court of Justice. It is noted that the ANC, despite its internal economic problems, suddenly received significant financial support, probably from Iran and Qatar. This gives grounds to suspect that countries that actively support terrorism have funded these legal actions in order to use South Africa as a platform for their anti-Israeli propaganda.

A threat to democratic values: South Africa’s role in global terrorism

Although South Africa has traditionally positioned itself as a country that fights for human rights and democracy, its alliance with countries that actively support terrorism is casting a shadow over its international reputation. It is also a cause for concern among democratic states, as South Africa appears to be gradually abandoning the principles laid down in the days of Nelson Mandela.

International political challenges: Iran and Qatar as strategic partners of South Africa

Iran and Qatar have long been important partners of South Africa in political and economic matters. South Africa’s support for them in international organisations such as the BRICS strengthens their influence in the region and adds weight to their anti-Israeli policies. This partnership is dangerous for regional stability and international security.

A threat to stability and international law

A report by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Politics clearly demonstrates that South Africa, under the leadership of the ANC, could become an important component of a global terrorist network, using its international legitimacy to advance the interests of states that support terrorism. This poses serious challenges to stability not only in the region, but also to the international legal order that defends peaceful and democratic values.