Jihlava to create position of Ukrainian police assistants to enhance mutual understanding and community safety

Photo: trubyna.

The city authorities of Jihlava have announced their intention to create a new position of police assistants for crime prevention, involving two representatives of the Ukrainian community. This decision is aimed at improving interaction with the Ukrainian diaspora, which numbers around 7,000 people. The city believes that the presence of Ukrainian assistants will help build trust in the police and improve public order. This was reported by Time Ukraine Israel, citing Radio Prague International.

Increasing trust between the police and the Ukrainian community

Jihlava Mayor Petr Ryszka emphasised the importance of this step to establish better relations between the police and Ukrainians, who make up a significant part of the city’s population. “We have four vacancies for Roma assistants, and now we want to add two more to work with Ukrainian citizens,” the mayor said after the city council meeting.

Ryszka also stressed that these assistants will work in close cooperation with law enforcement officers to ensure public order and solve problems that arise in the Ukrainian community. According to him, it is not so important for him how long the candidates have lived in Jihlava, the main thing is their qualifications and desire to work for the benefit of the community.

The initiative has already been successfully implemented in other Czech cities

The practice of employing assistants from different ethnic groups has already been successfully implemented in other Czech cities, which proves its effectiveness. These assistants play an important role in strengthening ties between law enforcement agencies and different communities, contributing to solving social problems and ensuring law and order.

The initiative in Jihlava is a logical step towards the integration of Ukrainians into Czech society. According to the city authorities, there are sometimes difficulties with a large diaspora, but the involvement of assistants will help resolve these issues and make the city more open to all its residents.

A step towards greater integration

This decision also has important social implications. The involvement of Ukrainians in law enforcement will contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious environment. The city hopes that this step will build trust in the police and improve security in Jihlava.