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Lithuanian border guards intercept over 70 smuggled weather balloons

Photo: pozirk.

Vilnius, 6 October. This year, the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service (VSAT) has detected more than 600 weather balloons, of which more than 70 were intercepted. According to VSAT representative Gedrius Mishutis, all the balloons came from Belarus, and the packages found contained smuggled cigarettes. This was reported by BNS.

Bullets with smuggled cigarettes

Mishutis explained that not all bullets can be detected, as some of them explode or fall before reaching their destination. However, border guards actively respond to every recorded case. In September, more than 250 such bullets were detected, a significant increase compared to last year.

Balloon incidents at strategic sites

This issue has attracted public attention after an incident in which one of the bullets landed on the territory of Vilnius Airport, while others were found at military facilities in Lithuania. VSAT representatives emphasise that their task is to intercept the bullets before they reach the smugglers.

Technological challenges in capturing aerial objects

Mishutis also noted that the technology available to border guards does not always allow them to record all objects crossing Lithuanian airspace in a timely manner. These processes are controlled by the Lithuanian Air Force, which is immediately informed of each recorded case.

Legal changes to combat smuggled bullets

Although the Lithuanian army monitors the movement of balloons on radar, shooting them down with military means in peacetime is considered a last resort. However, due to security threats, politicians are considering changing the law to allow border guards to shoot down such balloons carrying contraband.

Reasons for the increase in the number of weather balloons

The increase in the number of weather balloons is attributed to the closure of Lithuania’s four border crossings with Belarus and the strengthening of border security following the 2021 migration crisis. Politicians note that these aerial objects can be used not only for smuggling but also for potential provocations, which requires increased security measures.