Orban declares war on US-funded media and NGOs

Прем’єр-міністр Угорщини Віктор Орбан. Брюссель, 20 березня 2019 року

Photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Brussels, 20 March 2019

Orban: “Trump and Musk have exposed a corruption network”
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said that Donald Trump and Elon Musk have exposed a network of “political corruption” that includes the Biden administration’s funding of media and NGOs in Hungary. In this regard, he ordered the development of laws that would ban the activities of such structures in the country.

This was reported by Magyar Nemzet, citing a closed meeting between Orban and Hungarian MPs on Tuesday.

Orban: “Funding for liberal elites must stop”
Orbán said that the “globalist liberal elite” had used the US government to promote its ideology around the world:

“They called it aid, but in reality it was a tool of political influence. These funds were used to undermine traditional family values and fuel the migration crisis.”

According to Orbán, “the Soros network has lost Washington” and the new US administration has stopped funding it.

Hungary wants to impose tough restrictions
The Hungarian government plans to ban media and NGOs that received funding during the Biden administration. At the same time, Hungary already has control tools:

  • The Office for the Defence of National Sovereignty (Szvh), established in 2023, is responsible for investigating “external interference” in Hungary.
  • A 2017 law obliged NGOs with foreign funding to publish data on their donors. It was cancelled in 2021 under pressure from the EU.

EU reaction: Hungary faces sanctions
The European Commission has already initiated sanctions proceedings against Hungary, demanding that Szvh be closed down as its activities violate the principles of freedom of speech and civil society.