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Russia protests against joint exercises between Japan and the US: Tokyo responds to threats

American and Japanese soldiers. Photo: from open sources

As the geopolitical situation in East Asia deteriorates, Russia has protested against joint military exercises planned by the Japanese Self-Defence Forces and the US military. These exercises, called “Sharp Sword”, will take place from 23 October to 1 November in Japan, which has caused serious concern in Moscow. This was reported by NHK.

Russia’s protest: arguments and fears

On Friday, the Russian Foreign Ministry sent an official protest to the Japanese Embassy in Moscow. The Russian side stressed that the exercises are constantly expanding and include NATO countries that are not part of the region, except for the United States. In particular, Moscow expressed concern about the military exercises that will take place in Hokkaido Prefecture, located in close proximity to the Russian border.

Japanese reaction: refusal to compromise

In response to the Russian protest, the Japanese side strongly rejected it. The Japanese Embassy in Moscow said the protest was completely unacceptable, citing Russia’s growing military activity in areas adjacent to Japan. Tokyo considers the exercises necessary to ensure national security in the face of new challenges from Moscow.

Incidents that worsen the situation

In addition, Japan called on Russia to prevent a recurrence of incidents such as the violation of Japanese airspace by a Russian patrol aircraft near Rebun Island last month. Japan also expressed serious concern about joint military manoeuvres by Chinese and Russian forces in the region, which indicates growing coordination between these states.

Looking to the future: threats and opportunities

The current situation reflects the growing tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, where the competition for influence between major powers such as Russia, China and the United States continues to grow. Japan, in turn, is strengthening its defence capabilities and strategic position in response to external challenges and threats.