Swiss diplomats to switch to economy class: government introduces new rules for air travel

Літак у польоті

Photo: Getti images

The Swiss government has decided to reduce air travel costs for diplomats and employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). From now on, all officials, including ambassadors and secretaries of state, must fly in economy class regardless of the duration of the flight. This was reported by the DPA news agency.

The move is estimated to save around CHF 1.5 million (approximately EUR 1.7 million) annually.

For employees travelling long distances, there is an opportunity to arrive at conferences or meetings a day earlier to recuperate after the flight.

Exceptions to the new rule will be granted only in rare cases and will be subject to prior approval by management.

Previously, Swiss officials could fly business class if the flight lasted more than nine hours (or more than 11 hours for indirect routes). This rule applied not only to the Foreign Ministry but also to other ministries.

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis proposed extending the economy class rule to all civil servants, but his initiative was not supported.

Kassis himself has also decided to take a step towards saving money by not flying in first class, to which he is entitled. Instead, he will use business class, which, according to a government spokesperson, allows him to work during the flights and remain efficient upon arrival.

For complex work tours with multiple destinations or routes that cannot be covered by regular flights, Cassis and members of the government will continue to use the government jet.

These changes underline the Swiss government’s efforts to reduce costs and demonstrate frugality in the face of economic turbulence.