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Germany’s unspoken embargo on arms supplies to Israel

Photo: irna

Refusal of defense products for Israel

Germany systematically denies Israel the supply of defense products, while continuing to sell heavy weapons to Qatar, the country that finances Hamas. As reported by Vesty. On September 15, this policy was called the “unspoken embargo”. Back in 2023, Israel asked Germany to purchase thousands of tank shells, but the answer never came.

Continuation of arms exports to Qatar

In the first six months of 2024, Germany sold weapons worth 100 million euros to Qatar. This is causing mixed reactions because Qatar finances the terrorist organization Hamas. At the same time, there was no official decision to stop the supply of weapons to Israel from Berlin. This policy is due to a conflict between the German Chancellor’s office and the Foreign Ministry, where the former supports the sale of arms to Israel, while the latter opposes it.

Collapse of defense exports to Israel

The German publication notes that since the beginning of 2024, the volume of exports of defense products to Israel amounted to only 32 thousand euros, compared to 20 million euros for the same period in 2023. According to forecasts, the total volume of supply by the end of the year may amount to only 14 million euros, which is the lowest figure since 2004.

Problems with other providers

Similar problems with the supply of weapons to Israel are observed in other countries. Great Britain revoked 30 of its 350 arms supply licenses, and Canada completely halted arms supplies following a resolution by its parliament.

Political support for Israel in the international arena

Despite difficulties in military supplies, Germany continues to support Israel on the international stage, actively blocking anti-Israeli resolutions.