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Russia’s influencei campaign in Israel: forming a new party, stoking social discord, and undermining foreign relations

Президент Росії Володимир Путін

A recent leak of internal documents from a Kremlin-linked Russian company has shed light on the shadowy operations aimed at destabilizing Israel. The documents reveal that Russian agents did not limit themselves to spreading disinformation online but had plans to establish a presence in Israel, manipulate local politicians, and shape policies on Jewish immigration and the war in Ukraine.

This extensive leak, containing thousands of emails, internal strategies, and fabricated articles, illustrates the cynical scope of Russia’s efforts. Their objective was to deepen internal divisions, strain Israel’s relations with other countries, and erode public support for Ukraine.

One key element of the plan was to bolster Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s standing, particularly due to his cautious approach to Ukraine. Additionally, they aimed to form a political party for the Russian-speaking Israeli community, with the potential to secure three to four Knesset seats.

Among their on-the-ground tactics were distributing anti-Ukrainian flyers in synagogues and spraying provocative graffiti in predominantly Arab neighborhoods. Internationally, Russian agents spread antisemitic and anti-Israel content to damage Israel’s foreign relations.

The company behind these operations, Social Design Agency (SDA), was founded in 2017 by Ilya Gambashidze, and it operates under direct Kremlin oversight. An FBI report noted that Gambashidze reported directly to President Vladimir Putin.

These revelations highlight the far-reaching and subversive nature of Russia’s global influence campaigns, especially as they move from the digital space into real-world political manipulation.

Based on the materials of Shomrim