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Thierry Breton resigns amid conflict with Ursula von der Leyen: new EU commission composition in question

Урсула фон дер Ляєн

The formation of the new European Commission is facing further delays due to internal conflicts and political disagreements. French EU Commissioner Thierry Breton announced his resignation, citing a personal conflict with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Breton claimed that von der Leyen had asked France to withdraw his candidacy “for personal reasons” in exchange for a “supposedly more influential portfolio.”

Breton, who served as the Commissioner for Industry and Internal Market, overseeing crucial areas like arms production and tech regulation, stated that he could no longer fulfill his duties due to what he described as von der Leyen’s questionable management. France is reportedly dissatisfied with the portfolio offered to Breton, adding tension to the process of forming the new team.

Breton’s resignation forces Paris to nominate a new candidate, which could further delay the announcement of the final composition of the Commission, already postponed due to national political disputes and efforts to achieve gender balance within the team of commissioners.