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UN General Assembly Adopts Resolution Demanding Israel End Occupation of Palestinian Territories


The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday passed a significant resolution demanding that Israel end its “illegal presence on occupied Palestinian territories” within 12 months. The resolution, drafted by Palestinian representatives, marks another step in the ongoing diplomatic standoff between Palestine and Israel, coming just days before world leaders gather in New York for the annual UN meeting, reported Reuters.

The vote saw 124 countries in favor, with 43 abstaining, while Israel, the United States, and 12 other nations voted against it. The resolution further isolates Israel on the international stage amid growing criticism of its settlement expansion on territories captured after the 1967 Middle East war.

A key component of the resolution is its endorsement of the July advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which declared Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands illegal. The ICJ ruling urged Israel to cease its occupation “as soon as possible,” though the UN resolution grants a 12-month deadline.

The resolution also calls for economic measures, urging countries to halt the import of goods produced in Israeli settlements and to restrict the supply of arms to Israel if there is reasonable suspicion they might be used in occupied Palestinian territories. These provisions could significantly increase Israel’s international isolation.

Although the ICJ’s advisory opinion is not legally binding, it carries substantial weight in terms of international law and could weaken Israel’s support among its allies. Similarly, while UN General Assembly resolutions are not enforceable, they serve as an important indicator of global opinion.

Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour urged nations to support the resolution, stating, “Every country has a vote, and the world is watching.” He appealed for members to “stand on the right side of history.”

Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon reacted sharply, accusing the General Assembly of engaging in “diplomatic terrorism” while failing to condemn Hamas’ October 7th attacks that killed over 1,200 Israelis.

The Israel-Palestine conflict remains one of the most challenging issues in international diplomacy, and this resolution may further intensify the already fraught situation.