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Lubinets announced the death of a man in the TCC in Transcarpathia

Dmytro Lubinets. Photo: detector

September 6, 2024
Dmytro Lubinets, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, made a statement about the alleged beating and death of a mobilized citizen in the Transcarpathian UTCC (United Territorial Center for Staffing and Social Support). This incident caused an uproar in society, which forced the Military Commissariat to publish an official response.

Chronology of events

On August 28, 2024, a citizen who lived in Transcarpathia physically assaulted his roommate while drinking alcoholic beverages. As a result, the woman turned to the law enforcement agencies. After carrying out the necessary legal procedures, the man was taken to the second department of the Mukachevo district UCC and SP to check his military records. It turned out that the citizen was subject to mobilization for military service.

After passing the military medical commission, which is independent from the UCC and SP, the man was appointed to be sent to the training center. However, on September 1, 2024, during transportation to the center, he complained of worsening health. The military personnel immediately called an ambulance, and the man was hospitalized at the Svalyavska city hospital.

Cause of death

On September 4, 2024, the man died in the hospital. According to the results of the forensic examination, the cause of death was an ischemic infarction of the left hemisphere of the brain. The findings state that the death was not related to traumatic events.

Reaction of the Military Commissariat and appeal to mass media

In connection with the released information of the Commissioner, the Transcarpathian UTCC and the JV held a working meeting with the representative of the Commissioner in the Transcarpathian region Andriy Kryuchkov. The Military Commissariat provided all the necessary data for further investigation and cooperation. At the same time, the military called on the media to be cautious in spreading information and avoid sensational headlines based on incomplete data. Such messages can destabilize the situation and negatively affect the mobilization process.

Transcarpathian UTCC and SP emphasized that the priority is to respect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of Ukrainian citizens.