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Thousands of Hasidic Pilgrims Struggle with Travel Restrictions to Uman

Photo: dilova

Thousands of Hasidic pilgrims from Israel are facing travel complications as they plan their journey to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah at the tomb of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. According to Maariv, over 16,000 pilgrims are expected to arrive in Ukraine in the coming days, but charter flight restrictions imposed by Moldova have caused chaos and uncertainty.

Moldova, the closest country to Ukraine, is refusing to allow Israeli charter flights to land due to financial disputes with Israel, causing a crisis for those who planned to travel through its territory. This conflict threatens to escalate into further complications, as many pilgrims who have already booked their flights were informed of cancellations last week. Now, most pilgrims are seeking alternative routes through Poland, Romania, and Hungary.

One of the key figures in this pilgrimage is Rabbi Eliezer Berland, leader of the Shuvo Banim community, who, despite being banned from entering Ukraine, is trying to reach Rabbi Nachman’s tomb. His previous attempts to illegally cross the border, including hiding in a car trunk, have been unsuccessful.

This crisis not only threatens to disrupt the holiday celebrations but also risks creating tensions among the Hasidim, who view this pilgrimage as a deeply significant spiritual journey. Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, pilgrims remain hopeful of reaching Uman via alternative routes.