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“We are in a state of chaos”: the former deputy chairman of the National Security Council assessed the situation in the country

Photo: cursorinfo

Retired major general, former deputy chairman of the National Security Council and former head of the National Emergency Management Agency, Zeev Tsuk-Ram, in an interview with radio station 103FM, commented on the current state of affairs in the country after the events of October 7. This is reported by cursorinfo.

Tsuk-Ram highlighted the internal conflicts between the government and the military, stating, “As a former military man and deputy chairman of the National Security Council, I not only do not understand, but I believe that there is considerable confusion in strategic thinking and synchronization between the political and military levels, including the Secretary of Defense. At the same time, I am sure that the military leadership is doing its job perfectly.”

He emphasized that the country suffered a serious blow on October 7 and added: “In my opinion, we are in a state of chaos. When different parts of the leadership, military and civilian, act in different directions, the military will do whatever it takes to achieve its goals.”

At the end, Tsuk-Ram noted: “We are seeing progress in the military and security sphere. But from a political point of view, I do not see unity between government ministries. There is no permanent system of deliberation that effectively supports or directs the military. We are witnessing an appalling level of confusion and considerable chaos.”