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Exchange of prisoners: 49 Ukrainians returned home on September 13

Photo: Zelenskiy/Official

An exchange of prisoners took place in Ukraine

On September 13, 2024, an important exchange of prisoners with Russia took place in Ukraine, as a result of which 49 of our citizens returned to their homeland. This group includes military personnel from various units, such as the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, the National Police, the State Border Guard Service, as well as civilians.

Announcement of the President of Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the return of Ukrainians: “49 Ukrainian men and women are at home. Among them are soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, the National Police, the State Border Service, as well as our civilians.”

Photo: Olena Tolkachova

Important persons are among those dismissed

Among those released is Leniya Umerova, a Ukrainian woman who was taken hostage by the Russians while on a trip to care for her sick father. Also among those released are several defenders of “Azovstal” who fought heroically for Mariupol. It is especially worth noting the Hero of Ukraine, military medic Viktor Ivchuk, who made a significant contribution to the protection of our military.

Return of the “Azovians” after a long captivity

The head of the patronage service of the “Azov” regiment, Olena Tolkachova, reported the return of 15 servicemen of the former “Azov” regiment of NSU after more than two years of captivity. These are mostly women who are participating in the exchange for the first time in a long time.

Thanks to everyone involved

“I am grateful to our entire team, which ensures the release of prisoners and hostages from Russian captivity. I especially want to note each of our Ukrainian subdivisions, which replenish the exchange fund for our state. All our soldiers who capture the Russian occupier, all services that neutralize Russian saboteurs and collaborators, bring the release of our people closer. We have to bring all our soldiers and civilians back home,” Zelenskyi said.

We will remind you about the previous exchange

It is important to remind that on the Independence Day of Ukraine, August 24, a large exchange of prisoners from the Russian Federation took place, as a result of which another 115 of our defenders returned home. Among them were soldiers of the National Guard, the Armed Forces, the Navy and the State Border Service