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Fire on outskirts of Athens reaches National Observatory: EU sends reinforcements

Люди тікають від полум'я . Фото: COSTAS BALTAS / AFP / Profimedia

People flee from the flames. Photo: COSTAS BALTAS / AFP / Profimedia

A large forest fire that broke out on the outskirts of Athens on Monday reached the territory of the National Observatory in Pentel, threatening important scientific facilities. The Greek authorities turned to the EU for help, and at the request of Athens, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism was activated, reported Ekathimerini and AFP.

Italy, France, the Czech Republic and Romania have already sent firefighters and equipment to battle the fast-spreading flames in the suburbs of Athens, forcing authorities to evacuate several areas.

Local residents are reporting choking smoke and fear of the fire spreading to their homes. Despite the quick response of firefighters, the fight against the fire is complicated by difficult weather conditions, including strong winds and high temperatures.

The fire that broke out on Sunday in the Varnava area has already led to the evacuation of eight villages and the historic city of Marathon. Greece is facing a particular threat of wildfires this summer due to unseasonably warm weather and a dry winter, reminiscent of the 2018 tragedy that killed 104 people in Mata.