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Keir Starmer Announces Major Reform of NHS Amid Reports of “Critical Condition” of UK’s Healthcare System

Британський прем'єр-міністр Кір Стармер

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer. Photo: Tennessee Witney / Alamy 

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Thursday emphasized the urgent need for a comprehensive reform of the National Health Service (NHS), as an independent report highlights the “critical condition” of the esteemed healthcare system. This was reported by AFP .

The Labour government, which came to power in July, has promised the “biggest overhaul” of the NHS since its inception. In a speech scheduled for Thursday, Starmer will stress the necessity of “major surgery” to restore the health service’s efficiency.

The 142-page report outlines that over the past 15 years, the NHS has seen a steady decline, leading to its current state of “decay.” The report’s author, crossbench peer Lord Ara Darzi, attributed this to several factors: a lack of investment, failed attempts at reorganization, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report also highlights the growing number of patients suffering from long-term conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which adds pressure to the NHS. Moreover, the UK’s cancer rates are higher than those of other European countries, leading to lengthy waiting lists for treatment.

“We need the courage to enact long-term reform: major surgery, not patchwork fixes,” Starmer asserted, according to a preview of his speech. He outlined three key areas of reform: digital transformation, expansion of outpatient care, and a focus on disease prevention.

“This change could be the biggest NHS overhaul since its creation,” the Prime Minister emphasized. The Labour Party, which ousted the Tories from power on July 4, has vowed to “fix” the NHS, accusing the Conservatives of “fragmenting” the system over their 14 years in government.