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The Turkish president has come under fire after an incident involving a child at a public event

Реджеп Ердоган на заході в Різе, ФОТО: Utku Ucrak / AFP

Recep Erdogan at the event in Rize, PHOTO: Utku Ucrak / AFP

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has come under fire after an incident in which he slapped a child who refused to kiss the hand extended to him, reports Le Figaro.

The incident happened on Saturday during an opening ceremony for new homes built as part of an urban transformation project in Rize province, in the north of the country where Erdogan was born. After the speech, Erdoğan handed the keys of the houses to their owners. Two children from the same family got on stage in front of their parents. Erdogan held out his hand for the children to kiss, a traditional practice among Muslims to show respect for elders.

When one of the children refused to kiss the president’s hand, but instead looked intently at him, Erdoğan lightly slapped the child on the cheek, as if to get attention and remind him. After that, the child did kiss the president’s hand, and he additionally gave her money, which is also a traditional Muslim practice.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has come under fire after an incident in which he slapped a child who refused to kiss the hand extended to him, reports Le Figaro.

The incident happened on Saturday during an opening ceremony for new homes built as part of an urban transformation project in Rize province, in the north of the country where Erdogan was born. After the speech, Erdoğan handed the keys of the houses to their owners. Two children from the same family got on stage in front of their parents. Erdoğan held out his hand for the children to kiss, a traditional practice among Muslims to show respect for their elders.The president’s actions were condemned, according to Le Figaro. Critics believe that such a gesture on the part of the head of state is unacceptable, even if it has a cultural basis.

Reaction on social networks and public opinion

The incident quickly gained publicity on social networks, where many users expressed their outrage. Some of them pointed out that Erdogan’s behavior is unacceptable for a modern political leader, especially in the context of interacting with children. Others emphasized that tradition should not justify physical contact that could be perceived as an act of violence.

Some social media users also drew attention to the fact that such actions can reflect the attitude towards children and youth in society, emphasizing the need for a more delicate and respectful approach to them.

Influence on the image of the president

This incident could have a significant impact on President Erdoğan’s image, both domestically and abroad. Critics believe that such actions could negatively affect his credibility, especially among the younger generation and their parents.

At the same time, some of Erdogan’s supporters may consider this incident to be minor and not worth serious discussion, seeing it as just part of cultural traditions. However, even in this context, it is important that public figures are aware of the impact of their actions on society and take measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

When one of the children refused to kiss the president’s hand, but instead looked intently at him, Erdoğan lightly slapped the child on the cheek, as if to get attention and remind him. After that, the child did kiss the president’s hand, and he additionally gave her money, which is also a traditional Muslim practice.