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Venice is looking for new gondoliers: strict requirements and selection for a prestigious profession


Gondoliers. Photo: Tourism in Venice (

Venice, the city of canals and romance, has announced a search for new gondoliers, a profession that is a symbol of the city and has a centuries-old history. The City Hall of Venice sets strict requirements for candidates who want to become part of this prestigious profession.

The main criteria for future gondoliers include the age of 18, high school education and the ability to swim. A medical certificate confirming “healthy and strong physique” is also required. However, the application process itself is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance, reports The Guardian.

The first step is to take a special training course – Arte del Gondoliere, or the Art of the Gondolier. To do this, candidates must demonstrate basic rowing skills or the potential to develop them. “The ability to drive a gondola is key,” said Andrea Balbi, president of the Venice Gondoliers Association. “Pre-screening helps us understand who really has the right skills.”

The training includes 30 hours of theoretical classes, where trainees learn the rules of the water, English and French, as well as the history, art and culture of Venice. The practical part involves 10 hours of rowing under the guidance of an experienced master.

The profession of a gondolier has deep roots in the history of Venice, where there were about 10,000 gondolas in the 16th century. Today there are only 433 of them left. Despite the fact that this profession was historically male, today it is open to all EU citizens, and already 14 women have become gondoliers.

Gondoliers are an important part of the tourist experience in Venice, which welcomes around 30 million visitors each year. However, according to Balbi, the search for new employees is aimed not only at serving tourists, but also at preserving the profession. “We continue the traditions of Venice, and this is what makes our work special,” he emphasized.

Gondoliers often face challenges, including motorized water taxis and boats that create dangerous waves. However, they remain dedicated to their work and are ready for change, in particular, to train a new generation of masters of water art.

A course for would-be gondoliers costs more than €1,000, but for those who dream of driving a gondola on the Venetian canals, it’s a small price to pay for the opportunity to be part of one of the most prestigious professions in the world.